Digital Confex award
By Ward Dehairs, May 29, 2024
Discover insights from industry pioneers who are shaping the future of gaming and animation by joining our 3rd Gaming and Animation Confex presented by DIGITALCONFEX on 29 May 2024 happening in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Explore cutting-edge technologies, demo new games, and connect with leading companies in the gaming and animation space.
I received an invite to attend this conference to receive an award, I decided it might be a good idea to build some contacts with people from the industry and accept some recognition to help build the future of Negotiator Studios as an indie development studio. In particular we were interested to talk to publishers and investors who may be interested in Diode Arena.

Here is me (Ward) and Maarten getting a close up picture taken at the conference.
And the award I received at the end of the conference:

Overall the conference was quite interesting, discussing different topics ranging from the ethics of gamification, the science of storytelling in games, generative AI for marketing to virtual reality. We had the chance to meet a lot of interesting developers, managers, teachers and artist especially from the Netherlands.
Find more information about the conference and Digital Confex at their official website