Consultancy work

Ward Dehairs

Ward Dehairs
Is available for software consultancy work.
Asking price: €325/day (+21% VAT)
Earliest availability: March 1, 2024
Living in Gent, Belgium


Hello! I'm a game developer with over 10 years of experience, working on a broad array of interactive software projects for different customers. I'm an expert in C# and the Unity game engine.
I have worked on mobile, AR/VR, WebGL, PC/Mac/Linux games, game networking, physics engines, graphics coding and even firmware and health tech.

Contact me if you're looking for...
  • A reliable and engaged software developer
  • Someone with a heart for elegant code and agile practices
  • A consultant for project management and game design
I'm best at...
  • Designing complex projects from the ground up
  • C# and Unity development and workflow
  • Game networking code
  • Fast and thorough debugging
  • Physics and mathematics
Other skills
  • Graphics, shaders and post processing effects
  • Photon fusion, Azure Playfab
  • Arduino and Raspberry Pi firmware
  • Static web development
  • Java, Python, C, C++, HLSL, HTML, Bash, Javascript
  • Blender, Gimp2, Audacity, Matlab, Davinci Resolve

Work experience

  • januari 2024 - april 2024
    Game developer

    • Jump in on short notice and boost development of Slapshot in runup of its 1.0 release: debugging, UI, settings, networking, input management etc.
    • Cleaning up old codebases, saving thousands of lines of code and significantly streamlining future development
  • juli 2023 - december 2023
    Game developer & technical artist

    • Boost development of BAM, fixing critical bugs and getting important features ready before the release deadline
    • Graphics software for Shredders; succesfully implement tesselation shaders, splatmaps, terrain-tiling, upscaling, shadow casting, stochastic sampling etc. Improving overal graphics quality while also boosting performance of the game upwards of 30%
  • 2022 - 2024
    Unity developer

    • Allow health care providers to more easily and accurately adjust splints for their patients by building -from the ground up- an algorithm for procedurally posing scans of 3D scans of limbs in a realistic manner
    • Further streamline user experience of said Forma application with UI enhancements, customizable widgets, settings
    • Speed up and secure future development of the Forma application via code cleanup, debugging, implementing code-style rules, unit testing etc.
  • 2021 - 2023
    Unity developer
    Facilitate research in the measurement of cognitive stress via eye-movement by developing multiple VR games. These games provide a carefully controlled challenge level to the player while requiring them to carefully inspect different items in their environment. In the meantime, their VR headset measures eye-movement which can be correlated to the difficulty of the task. I developped 2 games for Mict:

    • Assembling an item with the help of a ‘cobot’ robotic arm
    • Completing a heating installation by placing tiles with attached pipes
  • 2019 - 2023
    Software engineer

    • Provide physiotherapy patients with accessible exer-games to motivate and facilitate physical therapy
    • Consult and debug hardware development including a pressure sensitive mat and squeezable motion-sensitive ball
    • Create from the ground up firmware for said hardware on Raspberry pi and Arduino (Python, C, bash)
  • 2018 - 2019
    Intelligent games developer

    • Facilitate scientific studies on the topics of dyslexia and the development of reading and listening comprehension in children by creating, updating and maintaining several ‘intelligent games’ (meaning games built for serious purposes), in particular for Android tablets. This work lead to several completed peer reviewed papers and PhD projects.
    • Maintain and provide customer support for APEX, game engine for designing auditory tests (C++).


KU Leuven
2013 - 2017
Bachelor of Physics, graduated cum laude
 Minor astronomy and computer science
Master of Theoretical Physics, graduated sufficienter
 Minor modelling and computer science

Other info

In my free time I like to play video games and board games. I’m also a hobby pianist. Since 2021 I’m the organizer of the Meetup group “Making friends in Gent”. I organize simple events for people who are looking to meet new people, which is mostly international students, workers and travellers.
 Dutch - mother tongue
 English - Fluent
 French - Satisfactory
Driver’s license: B

Projects previously completed for clients

Slapshot 2024/03/14

My contributions for Slapshot, an online multiplayer ice hockey game by Oddshot

MBM algorithm 2024/01/11

An algorithm for posing 3D scans based on a Morphed Base Mesh

Shredders 2023/10/10

My contributions for Shredders, a snowboarding pc game by I-Illusions

Bam 2023/09/10

My contributions for BAM, a local multiplayer VR game by I-Illusions

Valence tile puzzle 2023/01/01

A serious VR game for research in eye-tracking, made for Imec

Valence project 2021/09/09

A serious VR game for research in eye-tracking, made for Imec

AI for Matti 2020/05/01

Development of basic AI algorithms to work with Matti

Software for Matti 2020/04/01

Software development for Matti at Creative Therapy

Pirates game 2019/06/01

A serious game for a hearing test, made for KULeuven

Tower game 2019/05/01

A serious game for a hearing test, made for KULeuven

DieselX 2019/04/01

A serious game for studying dyslexia, made for KULeuven

Intervention game 2018/10/01

A serious game for providing hearing tests to young children, made for KULeuven

If you're interested to hire me (or to negotiate), please leave an e-mail at Have a nice day and I look forward to working with you!