Direct Strike counter chart

By Ward Dehairs, February 7, 2022

The Direct Strike arcade game made for Starcraft II is a tug of war game with a surprising amount of depth. While the regular mode is pretty boring, the commander mode, which uses units from the co-op commanders of the base game, is a much richer experience. The game is fundamentally about knowledge: you have to know what counters what. That's why I made this handy guide to make all the info you need easily accessible.

Simply hover your cursor over the desired commander or matchup to learn more.

Last updated 11/01/2024 Note some information may still be out-of-date as there's a lot of matchups to cover and the full implications of balance changes take a long time to process.

 Playing as ...


  • + Beefy ground force
  • + High armor
  • + Disabling abilities for the late-game (vipers)
  • - effectively no splash damage vs ground

Good units: Roach, Swarm host, Viper

Bad units: /



  • + Best focus damage
  • + Scalable hero unit, not armored nor light
  • - Limited options for splash damage
  • - Weak against light air

Good units: Alarak, stalker, vanguard (immortal), wrath walker (colossus)

Bad units: Ascendant (high templar), void ray

Making supplicants for Alarak is very hit-or-miss, it depends who you're up against. 2 common openers are either supplicant + immortal or 1-2 rows of stalkers. War prisms may seem like a meme but they are great for tanking damage + they let you use your active ability to push. If you need to splash away some infantry put immortals in a V formation. This will ensure they don't shoot at the same time, but rather create an inpenetrable wall of splash damage.



  • + Great amounts of splash damage
  • + Shield ability synergizers very well with some ally heros
  • - Somewhat weak in the early game
  • - Mediocre focused damage

Good units: Zealot, Tempest, Archon

Bad units: Reaver

Shields are best spent on zealots or phoenix, depending on your needs. Over time you typically want to have both anyway. The combination of Archons with shield regenerating storms and a mass of zealots in front is very powerful.



  • + Scalable hero unit, not armored nor light
  • + Strong late-game if he can get ahead (creeperhost)
  • - Poor anti-air, especially in the early-game

Good units: Dehaka, Creeper host, Ultralisk, Impaler

Bad units: Hydralisk, Roach, Gaurdian

Creeper host are effective against air in the lategame, but if you're forced into making hydra early on you're in a terrible spot. Dehaka's consume ability is of course great, but don't forget about the energy blocking bonus of his scream at lvl2. This is key against specific heroes. If you're feeling cheeky don't start with Dehaka but rather a handfull of ravasaurs, this can often destroy the cannon/bunker right away or at least force out a sub-optimal response from your opponent.



  • + Strong hero unit that can switch strategies
  • + Powerful with manual control
  • - Mediocre focused damage, especially vs not armored nor light hero units
  • - Somewhat weak against light air
  • - No cheap units

Good units: Talander (Fenix), Immortal, Scout

Bad units: /

Disruptors can sometimes fall off in the late-game since the armies move around more, causing them to miss their shots. You generally want to make a hero unit with a pile of support units of the same type before moving on to the next hero type. Start off with Fenix' melee mode early-game. Stick mostly to arbiter mode in the late-game


Han & Horner

  • + Many powerful air options
  • + Can bait and switch with free selling power
  • - All ground units are light and weak to splash
  • - Relies on air dominance, especially in the late-game

Good units: Hellion, Hellbat, Wraith, Viking

Bad units: /

The late-game of Han & Horner is quite powerful thanks to the "significant other" buff, don't forget this requires you to mix the units from both loverboys. Reapers suck as a combat unit, but are quite useful as airborne cannon-fodder. Just sprinkle them around the edges of your army in the late-game. Unit producing pirate ships (insert actual name here) are situational, but generally you want them to produce hellbats.



  • + Extremely powerful splash damage vs ground (colossi)
  • + Extremely robust ground army
  • + Powerful ultimate ability
  • - Very weak against heavy air (bc, carrier, tempest)
  • - Predictable, few viable strategies, especially in - and vs air

Good units: Colossi, Zealot, Mirage

Bad units: /

Your only anti-air is in the air, apart from energizers, which can be quite the problem. Colossi are crazy powerful, don't underestimate their damage against single target, as long as it's a ranged unit that tends to stand still, colossi have the best damage/mineral even at their insane price. Unless your opponent has good counters you want one line of carriers in front of your mirages.



  • + Strong hero unit, not armored nor light, granting extremely strong early-game
  • + Strong anti-ground
  • - Limited anti-air options; units are too vulnerable (hydra, muta)
  • - Tends to fall off in the late-game due to short range,
    especially without air dominance which is very easy to lose

Good units: Kerrigan, Hydra, Ultra, Brood lord

Bad units: Lurker, Queen

If your opponent lacks good anti-air splash you can often win with mass muta. Otherwise you should start with hydra. Ultra is your go-to for the lategame, consider putting multiple rows of them. Brood lords need high numbers to be effective.



  • + Largest variety of viable units, many strong strategies
  • + Extremely strong countering units (vikings, warhounds, thors)
  • - Can't deal well with units that are not armored, light nor massive.
  • - No tanky light units

Good units: Salamander (flame trooper), warhound, Viking, Siege tank, Imperial witness (detection blimp)

Bad units: Anti air trooper

Mengsk only has limited XP to spend on his royal guard units, they are all fairly weak until lvl 3, so most of the time it's better to spend your money on other units until you have enough XP to upgrade them instantly.



  • + Many viable strategies
  • + Many options for instant burst damage
  • - Limited in air superiority (airborne anti-air)
  • - Somewhat weak against light air

Good units: Nova, Hellbat, Marauder, Goliath

Bad units: Marine

Nova is quite powerfull with manual control. The shotgun mode in particular can often wipe unsuspecting players until the mid-game. Don't forget your ghosts can delete shields and energy, 1 or 2 are always good against a protoss opponent.



  • + Strong early-game with tough bio units
  • + Strong late-game with Hyperion and vikings
  • - Tends to lose in the mid-game
  • - All good units are armored

Good units: Firebat, Marauder, Medic, Viking, Hyperion, Dusk wing (hero banshee)

Bad units: Marine, Vulture, Battlecruiser

Autocast supply drop for convenience. Starting with Dusk wings is a reliable early game winner. Note you can turn a bc into Hyperion for added cost savings. You typically want to make a reasonable chunk of bio, especially firebats and medics are nearly unkillable.



  • + Unpredictable crazy units, many play style options
  • + Great splash damage
  • - No good units for tanking damage
  • - Very little focused damage

Good units: (Super) Gary, Baneling, Lurker, Corruptor

Bad units: Roach/Ravager (from Infestor)

Super Gary synergizes very well with mass lings and banes, which should be your go-to strategy. In most other cases lurkers are great.



  • + Tiny unit spam can be powerful early
  • + Many surprisingly viable strategies for experienced players
  • - Weak against tough units that are not armored (hero units, hellbats)
  • - Weak against powerfull splash damage

Good units: Bunker, Banshee, diamonback, aleksander (bc)

Bad units: /

You usually want to start with banshees, turn off cloak autocast and do it manually. That way the banshees will outrange the bunker/cannon and often kill it. Stukov is one of the best champs in professional play, but he is not the easiest to play.



  • + Extremely powerful anti-air from the ground
  • + Constantly annoy opponents you're not matched against with the laser
  • + Long range units form powerful late-game
  • - Weak early-game
  • - Weak in the air

Good units: Firebat, science vessel, tank, thor

Bad units: cyclone

Wraiths can be surprisingly powerful if you line them up along one of the sides of your field, this causes them to pile up and sweep, triggering the movement attack bonus as much as possible. Don't forget science vessels do splash damage vs bio, this sometimes makes them surprisingly good as opener units along with your laser.



  • + Variety of build order and upgrades can throw off your opponent
  • + Strong early-game thanks to money boost
  • + Can very suddenly win the game when stacking up, especially in 1v1 or 2v2
  • - Vulnerable to air units with long range (brood lord, tempest)
  • - Composition tends to be specific and rigid, which can be a problem when waves shift

Good units: Tychus, Lt Nikara (medic), Crooked Sam (reaper), Cannoball

Bad units: Nux

Tychus' grenade is super valuable, you can use it to pull air forces in range of sirius' anti air spike, or pull flimsy ground units together into your splash damage. Don't get too many unit-specific upgrades, getting a robust unit count is more important. Putting all your heroes on one side of the spawning area can be very usefull especially against big masses of units.



  • + Strong early-game if you can deny vision
  • + Multiple good disabling abilities for the late-game
  • + Best ultimate ability in the game
  • - Very poor splash damage
  • - Suffers when abilities are not controlled manually

Good units: Archon, Corsair, Shadow guard (hero DT)

Bad units: /

Void rays aren't great until you can make a bunch with tier 3 upgrades and dark pylon buffs. Putting your zealots in a V formation can stunlock your opponent's front line.



  • + Powerful late-game
  • + Strong focus and splash damage
  • - Very predictable: only 1 viable strategy
  • - Weak against splash damage with long range (colossi, creeper host)

Good units: Zagara, corruptor, Abberation, hunter-killer (hydra)

Bad units: Queen, baneling (non-free)

80% of the time you have to rush tier 3 and get hydras. Add abberations and scatter some roaches and lings around the edges. You typically don't want to make banelings apart from -obviously- the ones you get for free, if you need more splash abberations are almost always better.


How to beat Abathur

Call him Abaturd

Lack of splash makes him vulnerable to small unit spam, in particular if you have a way to deal with high armor roaches. In any case you need some canonfodder or heroic units to tank the roaches early on. Vipers can swing around a game hard, so never let up air dominance in the late-game.

Abathur mirror matchup


Ravagers with a robust frontline can win the early game hard, though this falls off somewhat. Otherwise go for swarmhosts with later viper support and leviathans if needed. Use your boost on swarmhosts.

As Alarak vs Abathur


Alarak can tank the roaches with enough supplicants, so you can easily win the early game. Follow up with stalkers to discourage him from going muta. Move on to immortals or colossi as needed.

As Artanis vs Abathur


The roaches are very annoying early, don't start with zealots in particular. By the mid game you should be able to destroy everything. Storms disrupt his army, immortals tank and tempest destroy the bigger units.

As Dehaka vs Abathur


Early- to mid-game should be in your favor, most units do well. Keep the Dehaka hero unit in front to tank the roaches and eat brutas or leviathan manually. Impalers are usually good, add flame roaches against swarm host. Vipers will swing the game around hard, so you must start making creeper host (or muta) in time to deal with them, especially if he goes for air units early on.

As Fenix vs Abathur


Immortals are the only unit that is hard for him to deal with. Follow up with adepts, colossi or carriers depending.

As Han & Horner vs Abathur


Stay in the air early-game, but add hellbat and hellions later on to match his ground. You should be able to overwhelm him as time goes on.

As Karax vs Abathur


Try to get colossi out early and push him in by the mid game. Leviathan + vipers will destroy you in the late-game.

As Kerrigan vs Abathur


You can beat down his ground with mass ling. If he goes for muta though, you're in for a rough ride. Don't respond with your own muta but push hard to win with hydra, a few queens and armor upgrades.

As Mengsk vs Abathur

Overwhelming Advantage

Fire troopers plus marauder/tank will kill his ground easily. Vikings murder his massive units and keep vipers under control. Thors annihilate muta spam, so really he doesn't stand a chance.

As Nova vs Abathur


Hellbats along with marauder or ghost burst damage are very hard for Abathur to deal with. Support with tanks, liberators or goliaths depending on what he does. Pay attention to snipe, emp or stun vipers before they become a problem.

As Raynor vs Abathur


Don't get baited into making marines, they do 0 damage against upgraded roaches. Counter muta with vikings, you will need them for late-game air dominance anyway. Focus on bio with tanks in the mid game. If you make it to the late-game you will win.

As Stettman vs Abathur


Lurkers do amazing against abathur. Add in Super Gary with some ling spam to handle brutas. Hydras can handle leviathans as long as you're winning the ground battle. Banes are good to clear locust waves but are not worthwhile against anything else. Corrupters are great to counter mass air and also help late-game for the vipers.

As Stukov vs Abathur


You can experiment with banshees. Otherwise diamondbacks + zombie spam for tanking will win against anything he can throw at you mid-game. Make sure to hold air dominance against vipers. Add ultras and Aleksander in the late-game to finish him off.

As Swann vs Abathur


Tanks are your best friend! Don't start with hellbats but rather use warbots for the frontline. Hellbats do become usefull in tier 3 especially against swarm hosts. Add enough goliaths to shoot down his air.

As Tychus vs Abathur


You have a big advantage early-game. If he starts with roaches and ravagers you can win with smart use of your abilities, nade + storm in particular. It keeps getting worse for you over time though.

As Vorazun vs Abathur


TOCO Start with hero dts and add void rays. Don't spam too much of 1 type of air unit but make all of them over time.

As Zagara vs Abathur

Overwhelming Advantage

Lings are stupidly strong against Abathur, start with a chunky amount to win the early game. Transition to hunter killers (hydra) and abberations, in particular against Brutalisk or air. Use scourges with a couple corruptor to counter a big muta flock.


How to beat Alarak

Call him alacack

Make light air units if possible, otherwise go for units with good focus damage. Splash is not too useful.

As Abathur vs Alarak


TOCO Go straight lvl 2 and make tons of muta. They will eventually overwhelm his stalkers. Use vipers to finish him off.

Alarak mirror matchup


Start with 2 supplicants and a havoc apart from the Alarak hero unit, then go for mass stalker. Add wrathwalker against anything but stalkers.

As Artanis vs Alarak


TOCO Tempest are your only good option to kill the Alarak hero unit. Build a ground force with shielded zealots and dragoons.

As Dehaka vs Alarak


Start with ravasaurs. Controlling Dehaka manually is important here, note that you can eat motherships or at the very least a wrathwalker. Note that creeper hosts can get countered by a clever Alarak, consider them a desperation option only.

As Fenix vs Alarak

Overwhelming disadvantage

Alarak + colossi will demolish you. Scouts do a decent job killing his air if they don't get preoccupied. Manual disruptor fire can maybe snipe packs of supplicants. Fenix helps a bit, but dies too fast to swing the game.

As Han & Horner vs Alarak


Wraiths do good to kill Alarak himself, but you do need enough hellbats to tank. Maintain a strong air dominance with vikings against air units or colossi. You can afford to lose the ground war unless he masses stalker, then you need to expand your ground force dramatically.

As Karax vs Alarak


Colossi can destroy all his ground forces, in particular the Alarak hero unit with any amount of supplicants. Annihilators (immortals) are usually not too great. If he goes for air you're in trouble, but you might break trough with pure mirages if you've built up an advantage. Note you can steal void-rays cost-effectively with energizers, though you will need to do this manually.

As Kerrigan vs Alarak


Start with a good chunk of hydra to focus down the Alarak hero unit. Give him some space to jump in range for an easy kill. Add mostly broodlords, after you can get a good count Ultras are OK too.

As Mengsk vs Alarak


Be careful with flimsy trooper units as Alarak's wave attack can clear them instantly. Use aegis (marauders), shadows (ghosts) and zerg units, especially muta to push him back. Colossi and motherships are annihilated by vikings, just make sure they have a clear shot; you might have to clear war prisms or void rays with anti-air troopers or later thors.

As Nova vs Alarak


Liberators do well to shoot down Alarak, but this leaves you much too vulnerable to wrathwalkers early on. I recommend starting with a bio force, with hellbats and tanks, keeping liberators for the late-game.

As Raynor vs Alarak


Use banshees to kill the Alarak hero unit. Follow up with siege tank and/or bio, make vikings against colossi and air.

As Stettman vs Alarak


Start with a good chunk of lings. If he doesn't use vanguards (immortal) properly these will constantly annoy him. You especially need them against wrathwalker (colossi). Use lurkers against a stalker force and add brood lords in the late-game. Add hydras to deal with any air units.

As Stukov vs Alarak


Start with banshees, this will force him to go for a suboptimal strategy. Stalkers can be annihilated with diamondbacks. Colossi require some zombie cannonfodder, but don't let them clump up.

As Swann vs Alarak


The Alarak hero unit is a nightmare early on. Hellbat cyclone is the quickest way to beat him back, giving you a slight breather in the mid-game. The standard swann composition would win where it not for wrathwalkers (colossi) against them your only hope is to make massive amounts of wraiths.

As Tychus vs Alarak

Overwhelming disadvantage

TOCO Use Crooked Sam (reaper) to combat the Alarak hero unit and his stalkers. Build firebats too to prepare for the inevitable wrathwalkers (colossi), you will need their tier 3 upgrade to survive long enough to get annihilated by stalkers.

As Vorazun vs Alarak


TOCO Void rays will eventually whipe him from the game, but the trick is to get to that point. My preferred strategy is to make large numbers of dts to snipe Alarak and immediately follow up with air. Pay attention to disable wrathwalkers with corsairs and push them in range of your void rays quickly.

As Zagara vs Alarak


Hydras are great for blasting the Alarak hero unit, but nothing beyond that. Use small amounts of lings plus plenty of abberations and banes. If he uses his immortals well you will lose hard in the late-game.


How to beat Artanis

Call him Artanus

Avoid light units vulnerable to splash (a small trickle coming in from the sides is ok). Spread out your units as much as possible.

As Abathur vs Artanis


TOCO Roaches early supported by swarmhost later on should do a lot. Do vipers get feedbacked? Probably.

As Alarak vs Artanis


The early-game should be easy. Counter zealots and dragoons with immortals and everything else with colossi. Don't be cheap on supplicants or war prisms as needed.

Artanis mirror matchup


TOCO The feedback wars are not worth it until the lategame. shielded zealots are very valuable, base your army around dragoons. Add tempest in the late-game.

As Dehaka vs Artanis


Do not make muta. Creeper host will overwhelm and win sooner or later, but it's hard to get to that point. Balance ground units and respond to your opponent appropriately.

As Fenix vs Artanis


Phoenix are quite annoying, avoid immortals until you have a good adept count. Other units have obvious counters, so make whatever you need. Colossi are surprisingly strong in this matchup and will usually win you the late-game.

As Han & Horner vs Artanis


If he chooses to fight the ground war you will win easy. The air is a bit more tricky but you can overwhelm sooner or later with mostly widow mines and wraiths. Note the wraith cloaking upgrade will remove their energy bar and make them immune to feedback.

As Karax vs Artanis


TOCO Karax and Artanis have similar units but yours are better. Tempest are annoying but suffer against mirage invulnerability. Finish him off with colossi, as usual.

As Kerrigan vs Artanis


Do not even think about going muta. Start with a small number of hydras and add brood lords or ultra depending on your opponent's strategy. Add both over time.

As Mengsk vs Artanis


Everything you make can get countered effectively, so I recommend going for a standard approach of fire troopers, lings, tanks and later thors, viking, ultra. This will hold out reasonably well, but you really can't win against a good Artanis.

As Nova vs Artanis


Counter archons and zealots with ghosts. Goliaths and marines will form a sturdy anti air force, but I suspect they won't quite make it against a tempest phoenix army. Hellbat rangers are good but holo decoys are best. Liberators can overwhelm in the ultra-late-game.

As Raynor vs Artanis

Overwhelming disadvantage

Don't make banshees or medics, they will get feedbacked and die instantly. Use bio and siege tank to survive. The powerspike that comes with Hyperion is your only chance to win, so use it wisely.

As Stettman vs Artanis


Do not make lings at all! The ground fight is tricky but winnable. Lurkers and later ultras can whipe his dragoon immortal force, as long as you clear away zealots with banelings.

As Stukov vs Artanis


Don't make too many zombies or bunkers, they will get murdered by storms. Diamondbacks and Aleksander are the best units here. Banshees are mediocre, but you can make a few early-game.

As Swann vs Artanis


Start with wraiths but don't make too many. Follow up with hellbat, tank, goliath. A good artanis will beat you back troughout the mid- to late-game. Phoenixes in particular are really annoying because they shoot down science vessels too quickly. You might be able to come back in the extreme late-game.

As Tychus vs Artanis


Make Cannonball for tanking, avoid Blaze and Rattlesnake, all others are reasonable. Nux in particular is good towards the lategame. He can give Artanis a taste of his own medicine. Sam is best to deal with mass dragoon.

As Vorazun vs Artanis


Do not make archons or oracles, they will get feedbacked. Focus your army around dt, corsair and void rays.

As Zagara vs Artanis


Artanis' range and splash damage limit the effectiveness of your hydras. You still need them, but don't make too many. Spend the extra money on more abberations and even banelings.


How to beat Dehaka

Call him der kaka

Force him to build anti-air. You have to start winning by the mid game, so don't be too greedy. Creeperhost will almost always push Dehaka's advantage into a win. They can be countered if you have airborne cannonfodder units, though these are quite rare (intercessor, war prism).

As Abathur vs Dehaka


Don't make your massive units, they can get eaten by Dehaka. Your air units as well as swarm hosts do best. Add vipers in the late-game, but make enough air to tank for them.

As Alarak vs Dehaka


Do. Not. Build. A. Mothership. It will get eaten. Go for wrathwalkers and immortals for an easy win in the late-game. Use war prisms to tank against creeper hosts.

As Artanis vs Dehaka


Phoenixes are very annoying for Dehaka to deal with, save your shields for them and make more as shields become available. Apart from that make the usual mix of ground units.

Dehaka mirror matchup


Make at least 1 impaler, more if the tries to make heavy armored units. Besides that focus on mutas, swarm host and eventually creeper host.

As Fenix vs Dehaka


Make enough zealots to deal with Dehaka early on, the splash will help against his ground. Add adepts vs muta. Colossi immortal should eventually overwhelm him.

As Han & Horner vs Dehaka


Your ground is quite weak because of the Dehaka hero unit, though as usual Dehaka has a lot of trouble against air units. Keep stacking wraiths and add widow mines if he tries to respond with mass muta.

As Karax vs Dehaka

Overwhelming advantage

You can win early-game with zealots and/or annihilators in most cases. Make enough annihilators to manually shoot down Dehaka and no more. late-game colossi melt everything on the ground. Make mirages to tank creeperhost and kill mutas if needed.

As Kerrigan vs Dehaka


Make plenty of hydra, they can focus down the Dehaka hero unit quite rapidly, especially if he jumps in range like a moron. Add brood lords afterwards. Mass muta is a viable alternate strategy, though this leaves him more options to counter.

As Mengsk vs Dehaka


The early-game is pretty rough. Marauders, tanks, ghosts are all viable. You can add muta and a small amount of gun troopers in support. Things tend to turn around once Dehaka becomes "massive" or if he adds ultras or tyrranozaurs: you can counter this with vikings. Watch out for his eating attack, don't make augustgrad (bc), nor thors if you can avoid it. Note intercessors (medevacs) are good for tanking creeper host.

As Nova vs Dehaka


Banshees are impossible for Dehaka to deal with, past the first 3. Add a mix of ghost and marines to counter muta. marauders and tanks will clear the rest. Be weary of letting the game drag on too long as you have no good counter for creeper host.

As Raynor vs Dehaka


Start with Dusk wings (hero banshees). Don't allow him to skip his crappy anti-air with worms and manual Dehaka control, in that case add normal banshees too. Push him in hard with bio and tanks in the mid-game and finish him off with the power spike from Hyperion. If you can't kill him at that point things will slowly grow sour.

As Stettman vs Dehaka


Ling, lurker and later super gary is all you need to destroy his ground. Use hydra against muta, but not too much. Add appropriate air units in the late-game. Push him in hard troughout the game, if you leave him the early-game advantage he can overwhelm you with creeperhost.

As Stukov vs Dehaka


Do not make bunkers, Dehaka will eat them and gain an infuriating splash damage aura to clear your zombie hordes. Start with a large number of banshees, go for tanks and diamondbacks later. (TOCO can Ultras be eaten?) Aleksander is great as usual.

As Swann vs Dehaka


A line of wraiths is very annoying for Dehaka to deal with, make enough so you can burst down the Dehaka hero unit and any tyranozaurs he may add. Follow up with standard units: hell bat, tank, goliath, thor.

As Tychus vs Dehaka

Overwhelming disadvantage

Don't make armored heroes. Rely on Cannoballs to tank, use Sam's grenade manually on Dehaka. Note you can use Vega to steal impalers, this can swing the early game in many cases. Use Sam (reaper) and Nux storms for damage.

As Vorazun vs Dehaka


Dt are quite effective against the Dehaka hero unit. I recommend to mass stalker next. This works great against anything but swarmhost, in that case you should add oracles. Creeper host will eventually delete you air and expose your forces, so push in to win by the mid- to late-game.

As Zagara vs Dehaka


Hydras are key, you need enough to burst down the Dehaka hero unit. Do your best to keep your banelings for his main army. As usual, don't buy additional banelings but rather abberations. Be wary of creeper host, you need to have enough stuff in the air to keep them away from your hydras: use corruptors, scourges or even overseers if you must.


How to beat Fenix

Call him Penix

Nor armored nor light units are great, second best are light air units. Any units with good focused damage will also help a lot. Some splash might be needed against adepts. Be carefull with large air units; they need air fighter support or they can easily get stunned by Mojo.

As Abathur vs Fenix


Roaches beat zealots and adepts hard, immortals are annoying but you should be able to mitigate their damage with swarm hosts. Vipers with some air support will whipe him out in the late-game.

As Alarak vs Fenix

Overwhelming advantage

Rush to colossi, they counter every single one of his units. The alarak hero unit is very difficult to kill for Fenix so make enough supplicants troughout. Use war prisms to distract scouts if needed. Vanguards (immortal) are situational, they do good against mass adept, but get hard countered by the Fenix hero unit early on.

As Artanis vs Fenix


Keep your shields for phoenixes, you will always, always need phoenixes. Don't make zealots or Archons. Use dragoons, immortals and later tempest.

As Dehaka vs Fenix


The Dehaka hero unit will give you an early game lead. Muta and swarm host are the most annoying units for Fenix to deal with, so add them in as soon as an oppertunity arrises.

Fenix mirror matchup


Make the Fenix hero units ASAP. Avoid infantry units (zealots and adepts), these can be hard countered with scouts. Immortals and colossi are also great, the rest you can add later.

As Han & Horner vs Fenix


You will not win the early-game so you might as well start with vikings. They do great, but do need a supporting ground force sooner or later. Go for hellbat, hellion, mines and eventually galleons.

As Karax vs Fenix


Mirages are your best option for the most part. Colossi will destroy his ground along with the Fenix hero unit (in either ground mode), but you will start losing when he gets a lot of carriers with air mode fenix.

As Kerrigan vs Fenix


TOCO Follow up Kerrigan with lots of muta. He can mitigate this with adepts and dragoon mode, but the fight keeps getting worse and worse for him over time. Add ultra or broods as the game goes on.

As Mengsk vs Fenix

Overwhelming advantage

Warhounds, warhounds, warhounds. Add fire troopers vs infantry, vikings vs air and colossi. Add tanks, lings or marauders vs immortals.

As Nova vs Fenix


Liberator will give you an easy win in the late-game. The early-game can be quite messy. Mech tends to work best: hellbat, banshee and goliaths. You can add a 1 ghost to emp the Fenix hero unit, but make no more than that.

As Raynor vs Fenix


TOCO pure air Raynor might work, since you can reliably win the air. I don't know how well banshees stack up against mass adept though. The ground fight in any case is a disaster, your bio will die harder and harder as the game goes on.

As Stettman vs Fenix


The fenix hero unit makes the early game rough, but banes, lurkers and ultra will slowly but surely whipe his ground forces. Make a few corruptors to protect Gary and counter his air in high numbers. Hydras do pretty good in lower numbers though.

As Stukov vs Fenix


Start with bunkers and plenty of civilians. This tends to overwhelm him, giving you time to go for Aleksander right after. At that point it's hard to lose, so follow up however you please.

As Swann vs Fenix

Overwhelming disadvantage

Firebats are indispensible in your ground army. If he goes straight for immortal try throwing him off with wraiths. In an extreme late-game scenario you might win with enough stuns from thors, supported by tanks and goliaths. TOCO mass wraith might work?

As Tychus vs Fenix


It may be tempting to make cannonball vs immortal, but don't. You need Blaze (firebat) against adepts and zealots, if he tries to mass immortals simply get tier 3 upgrades on Blaze. Apart from that make mainly Crooked Sam. Throw grenades on all the powerful hero units. Add Sirius against air and colossi.

As Vorazun vs Fenix


Mass stalker is annoying for Fenix to deal with, follow up with void-rays once he's forced to go for immortal.

As Zagara vs Fenix


Rush tier 3 and go hydra. They do exceptionally well here, just make sure to splash any adepts away with banes.


How to beat Han & Horner

Call them Han & Horny

Avoid ground units without an anti-air attack as much as possible, the key is to win the ground war with units that can shoot up. Do note you are sometimes forced to make dedicated anti-ground. This will likely cost you the mid-game. Han & Horner need to mix ground and air for an effective late-game, so you can still win if you hold out long enough.

As Abathur vs Han & Horner


Brutalisk swarm host does reasonably well, but you're fighting a losing battle. Don't get baited into starting with roaches, they will lose hard and don't provide much needed anti-air.

As Alarak vs Han & Horner


Alarak does good here with supplicants, stalkers and immortals. On the other hand the air fight is a big problem which grows worse over time. Wrathwalkers are not quite good enough to win, but can sometimes slow them down enough for your teammates to do something.

As Artanis vs Han & Horner


Don't make zealots, you will need shielded phoenixes. Add dragoons and later tempest. Add archons for tanking rather than immortals.

As Dehaka vs Han & Horner


A few ravasaurs provide a constant threat to the bunker and force him to make ground units which will die to just about anything you make. The air battle tends to get nast during the mid-game though. Keep yourself alive with muta and transition to creeperhost for the lategame.

As Fenix vs Han & Horner


The fenix hero unit plus adepts will win the early game hard. You can add a small number of zealots to help tank damage, especially against mines or bombers. Scouts are necessary sooner or later, but be careful: they don't win against viking. Immortals and colossi are great in the late-game, but don't get too many too early.

Han & Horner mirror matchup


Start with reapers and vikings. No really. Add widow mines in the mid-game. You can go for bc and galleons in the late-game.

As Karax vs Han & Horner

Overwhelming disadvantage

TOCO Don't get baited to make anti ground units, make pure mirage/carrier and hope they are idiots.

As Kerrigan vs Han & Horner


Rush them down with your hero and hydra. Ultra helps in the late-game but usually can't swing the game in your favour.

As Mengsk vs Han & Horner


Start with gun troopers and vikings to guard against an air switch. Later you can add warhouds, flame troopers and even ghost. A good number of thors will swing the extreme late-game in your favor.

As Nova vs Han & Horner


Controll Nova's shotgun manually to delete his ground forces, barring hellbats. Start with goliaths. If he insists on making ground you can go for a small number of banshees, firebats or holo decoys. Focus on goliaths with a few marines and ravens to delete his air and win.

As Raynor vs Han & Horner


A bio force with a high marine count does surprisingly well early-game. The other option is to skip ground units entirely, use as few banshees as possible to force them in the air and then go pure viking. Add in hyperion and a few bcs in the late-game.

As Stettman vs Han & Horner


Banes will whipe away their ground army easily. Don't make too many lings or go for Super Gary too early. Rather go for hydra and ultras. Corrupters are great in higher numbers so keep them for the late-game too.

As Stukov vs Han & Horner


Mass liberator will slowly but surely kill his air, but the ground is a problem. Baneling zombies are your biggest asset, use civilians and later tanks to get them to the frontline. Note bunkers and ultras die extremely quickly to hellions, avoid them if possible.

As Swann vs Han & Horner


Both goliaths and wraiths do insanely good work here. If they start with their usual obnoxious ground-to-air bait-and-switch routine, just go for wraiths. Add science and firebats as the game goes on. Do not make tanks or thors.

As Tychus vs Han & Horner


Don't get baited into too much anti-ground early on, you may need to add one Blaze or Cannonball, but other than that you should be making Sirius. Tychus and Nikara are also ok. Crooked Sam is also great in the lategame especially to stun bc.

As Vorazun vs Han & Horner


A force centered on stalkers and oracles does fairly well, although beware them switching to pure air. Turn off the damage ability on one oracle so it stays back and provides detection. Void rays are paramount in the late-game.

As Zagara vs Han & Horner


Stack hydras ASAP. Don't get tempted to make paid banelings, rely on free banes with some lings and few abberations to win the ground. Stagger your hydras if bombers or mines become a problem.


How to beat Karax

Call him car-ass

Force him to build anti air. If you have heavy air units (bc, hyperion, brood lord, carriers) get armor upgrades and expect a free win.

As Abathur vs Karax


The ground fight can be difficult but Karax has no counter play for vipers defended by Leviathans. His carriers lack the damage and mirages lose their invulnerability to parasitic bombs. In other words, hold out until the late-game for an easy win.

As Alarak vs Karax


Rush Motherships. Until you get them use the Alarak hero unit carefully to defend your cannon/bunker, put him back if you need to and save his abilities. Add some destroyers (void-rays) to trigger the invulnerability effect of the mirages. Get armor upgrades early on.

As Artanis vs Karax


Focus mainly on dragoons but add shielded phoenixes. This will rip apart his ground and force him in the air early on. Add shielded zealots and archons in the mid-to-late-game.

As Dehaka vs Karax

Overwhelming disadvantage

TOCO Try to overwhelm him early with ravasaurs. add Flame roaches vs zealots. Late-game your army will burn to colossi. Creeper host aren't great, but do slowly improve so you can use them for an ultra-late-game win.

As Fenix vs Karax


Using the Fenix hero unit cleverly will give you an early advantage, use the dragoon mode first to force out zealots and melee mode second. Mirages (phoenix) are typically the biggest problem; adepts do ok, but leave you vulnerable to colossi. You preferrably want to use carriers. Add scouts and use Fenix in arbiter mode for a clean win late-game.

As Han & Horner vs Karax

Overwhelming advantage

Your air will 100% overwhelm Karax, especially if you have a bc or 2 to tank. If mirages grow out of control add a few widow mines to the mix. For added style points you can go ground first (without upgrades) and switch once they're forced to make anti-ground forces, though I don't think it's even necessary.

Karax mirror matchup


Go pure air. Start with pure mirages (phoenix) Make sure to get air upgrades early on, attack AND armor. Start adding carriers in the mid- to late-game, make sure your opponent doesn't have more as this can very suddenly swing around the game.

As Kerrigan vs Karax


Don't make too many hydralisks early on rather go for brood lords to beat his ground. Mirages may kill them eventually but they will have done enough by then. If he goes pure air just go for muta. They will hit critical mass and kill everything sooner or later.

As Mengsk vs Karax

Overwhelming advantage

You can win the ground fight with a force based around warhounds and lings. Blackhammers (thors) can kill any number of mirages while sky fury (viking) slaughter the colossi and carrier. If that wasn't enough build a Pride of Augustgrad (bc) and save some XP to get it to lvl 3 asap.

As Nova vs Karax


Start with a marauder/marine force. Do not make hellbats; they will get lifted. Add a couple ghost for emp and snipes against zealots. Counter mirages (phoenix) with additional marines. Note that the Nova hero unit can clear zealots in shotgun mode easily. Liberators, tanks, goliath, but especially holo-decoy are viable in the late-game.

As Raynor vs Karax

Overwhelming advantage

You can literally go straight for hyperion and win, probably the dumbest matchup in the entire game.

As Stettman vs Karax


Banelings, ultras, corruptor and super Gary are all OK, mix and match as needed. Brood lords can be good in the ultra late-game.

As Stukov vs Karax


Colossi will melt your ground away like a bad joke, in addition your bunkers are uniquely vulnerable to being taken over by sentries, so I suggest focusing on air. Your ground will die anyway, so you might as well start with some zombiespam to take the early-game.

As Swann vs Karax


Mass wraith is a risky strategy that usually doesn't work out. You can try it if he makes a ton of unprovoked ground units though. The late-game is a disaster too, try to stay alive with mainly tanks and hellbats.

As Tychus vs Karax


Use cannonball for tanking, Tychus, Sam and Sirius for damage.

As Vorazun vs Karax


Void rays and corsairs beat his anti air. Watch out for energizers (sentry), they can take over your units and swing the game around. In this case you have to switch focus to winning the ground with zealots, archons and dts.

As Zagara vs Karax

Overwhelming disadvantage

TOCO Try to stay in control of the air and delay your opponents colossi as long as possible. Once they're out leave the game.


How to beat Kerrigan

Call her Queerigan

Abuse short range of the hydra, make heavy ranged units to tank and get free air dominance. Any splash damage in the air will prevent mutas from growing out of control.

As Abathur vs Kerrigan


Pure muta will eventually overwhelm her ground forces. If she tries to match with her own muta, add 1 viper and type offensive gg in chat.

As Alarak vs Kerrigan


A force made of wrathwalker, immortal and slayer will slowly but surely beat her back. Be careful that Alarak does not jump into hydra range, otherwise he's very tough to kill.

As Artanis vs Kerrigan


Start with archons and shielded zealots. You can add phoenix if she's dumb enough to make mutas. Add tempest always and immortals or dragoons vs ultra. Make sure to storm any hydra clumps, this will give your tempest free reign.

As Dehaka vs Kerrigan


Turn off autocast for Dehaka's jump ability, this will cause him to jump straight into hydra range. Use impalers against the Kerrigan hero unit and her Ultras. Make creeperhost and muta against her air.

As Fenix vs Kerrigan


If she goes muta you're in for a rough ride. I recommend that to go tier 3 early for arbiter mode, you can then lock the Kerrigan hero unit or big swathes of mutas up with stasis. Other strategies should be fairly easy to counter. Warbringer is a must in the lategame.

As Han & Horner vs Kerrigan


Stay in the air early-game, make enough wraiths to burst down the Kerrigan hero unit. You can use mines to blow up muta and bombers to kill hydras. You should have easy air dominance, while hellions and hellbats can hold off ultra, giving you an easy win by the late-game.

As Karax vs Kerrigan


You have no way of dealing with a big muta flock. Go for mirages and hope that she tries to counter with hydra. If so you can make colossi and win the game.

Kerrigan mirror matchup


If you can afford to go for the late-game make only muta after kerrigan. This will lose hard against hydra early, but will only get better over time. Otherwise mix hydra, ultra, broodlord as needed.

As Mengsk vs Kerrigan


The early game is rough but you can disrupt her with ghosts: they kill Kerrigan and blow up small clumps of hydras. The lategame keeps getting better, get tanks and vikings, add marauders vs ultras, thor vs muta.

As Nova vs Kerrigan


Ghosts are a bit of a trap in this matchup, I don't recommend them. Against muta rather make marines to stay alive and rush to liberators. Firebats, tanks and marauders do ok, but none really shine.

As Raynor vs Kerrigan


Use banshees to kill the Kerrigan hero unit, follow up with bio and tanks. Make sure to build up a viking count in time to maintain air dominance. Finish her off with Hyperion.

As Stettman vs Kerrigan


You cannot really beat ultras on the ground, the goal then is to get an air force that can hold the hydras back while skipping the ultras entirely. Super gary + 4 broods is an auto win, add corruptor if he makes muta of course. You can use some lings and lurkers to stretch into the late-game if she's not making ultras early on.

As Stukov vs Kerrigan

Overwhelming advantage

Start with a few banshees to harass the Kerrigan hero unit, follow up with bunkers, tanks and diamondbacks vs ultra. Add liberators against muta or brood lords. Once you get Aleksander out you will win easy.

As Swann vs Kerrigan


Siege tanks will slowly but surely overwhelm Kerrigan's ground. You're very vulnerable in the early-game though, you can start with science vessels (+ laser) to bait out hydra. This is also a good counter for muta.

As Tychus vs Kerrigan

Overwhelming disadvantage

Don't take more than 1 gas, try to win early-game with your abilities. Tychus nade/nux storm kills everything until tier 3. Don't underestimate crooked sam damage vs ultra. Quit once opponent has 6 brood lords.

As Vorazun vs Kerrigan


TOCO You don't have a good option against ultra, you may be able to win by avoiding the ground battle alltogether though.

As Zagara vs Kerrigan


Kerrigan is unbeatable without hydra so you might as well give up the early game and rush tier 3. Use them to counter ultras, mutas as well as the Kerrigan hero unit. Keep your banes back so they can wash over broodlings and hydras after the tanky units have been cleared. Start adding corruptor in response to brood lords.


How to beat Mengsk

Call him Pensk

Avoid massive units, especially in the air or colossi. Try overwhelming with strong ground forces, especially focused anti armor and/or splash damage. Tanks in particular are always worthwhile.

As Abathur vs Mengsk

Overwhelming disadvantage

Do not make Brutas or Leviathans, don't even think about it. Spamming swarm host can do almost OK, but everything else has straightforward hard counters.

As Alarak vs Mengsk


The Alarak hero unit is the only real problem for Mengsk, so make enough supplicants, especially vs tanks. Support with vanguards (immortal) or slayers (stalker) depending. You tend to be forced into wrathwalker sooner or later, when you do make war prisms to tank for them.

As Artanis vs Mengsk


Dragoons, immortal, zealot can easily overwhelm all armor on the ground. Use storms against trooper armies. The air is kind of a problem in the late-game, so you really want to make a robust ground army.

As Dehaka vs Mengsk


Do not make ultras or tyranozaurs. All of your ground units apart from hydra are viable though, they should let you win the early- to mid-game. Creeperhost can get countered but you usually have no other option in the late-game. Keep an eye on when Dehaka gains the "massive" attribute, at that point vikings become a problem: make mutas to keep them in the air.

As Fenix vs Mengsk

Overwhelming disadvantage

Do not make colossi or carrier, they will get instantly deleted. Immortals are your best units. Note that scouts are surprisingly good against troopers. Zealots and adepts are not great but you don't have much of a choice.

As Han & Horner vs Mengsk


Hellbat/hellion does ok against his ground, especially against the usually OP marauders and tanks. Add wraiths and vikings later. Try to snipe clumps of gunners with bombers. Galleons are OK in the extreme late-game. Don't make bcs.

As Karax vs Mengsk

Overwhelming disadvantage

Try to bait out a large ground force with zealots and immortals. You can kill that with colossi, while providing some pre-emptive mirages to tank for them. Do note his best counters for you are mechanical, so you can make something happen with sentry takeover.

As Kerrigan vs Mengsk


The lategame gets worse and worse so push hard. Small numbers of muta and hydra do very well. Lurkers can be useful against big trooper clumps. Ultras are OK as long as you have enough air to distract the vikings, but this is a risky move.

Mengsk mirror matchup


Avoid massive units. Tanks, ghosts and vikings are all viable. Make a mix of muta, lings and various troopers, some gun troopers can be pretty strong even. Massing aegis guard (marauder) works well, but does fall off.

As Nova vs Mengsk


The Nova hero unit should win you the early-game. It's usually safe to follow up with marauders and firebats. The rest depends on what he does, you are lucky in that none of Mengsk's hard counters apply to any of your units, your entire roster is viable in the right circumstances.

As Raynor vs Mengsk

Overwhelming disadvantage

You can try rush him down with banshees and bio. If he gets a Pride of Augustgrad out it's gameover. If he doesn't do that you can win the extreme lategame with Hyperion and high viking count.

As Stettman vs Mengsk


Don't make ultra or brood lords. Lurker, hydra, ling, bane are your only options. Feel free to experiment with infestors, a few should be viable as longs as he doesn't make tanks.

As Stukov vs Mengsk


Don't make bunkers or Aleksander. Start with banshees and add diamondbacks, tanks and liberators over time. Pepper zombies around as usual.

As Swann vs Mengsk


The early-game is very rough. Don't start with hellbats but add them to counter marauders and tanks. Your own tanks + thors annihilate mengsk's ground forces in the late-game, while goliaths can handle anything in the air. Feel free to experiment with wraiths.

As Tychus vs Mengsk


If he makes any expensive guard units simply take them with Vega. Even against aegis guards this is somewhat viable. Once you get tier 3 upgrade on Blaze he has no more counter options, before that cannonball is also fine. Add Nux against masses of troopers or muta. Rely mostly on Sam for damage.

As Vorazun vs Mengsk


Void rays with corsair disruption webs are very annoying for Mengsk. Dts are also fine, as are archons in the late-game, but that's about it for options. Do not try to go stalker.

As Zagara vs Mengsk


Don't bother with roaches, go straight tier 3 as usual. Position your hydras and banes so they connect optimally, you will win if he doesn't respons appropriately.


How to beat Nova

Call her Novagina

Use high HP/cost units to tank initial burst damage. Get light air early if you have any, but don't spam too much. Distract goliaths with ground units to get easy air dominance. If you have phoenixes try to bait out firebats first with light units, though whatch out for Nova's shotgun mode.

As Abathur vs Nova


A few mutas can annoy Nova early on and force out fast ghosts, these can be killed with roaches. Large amounts of roaches can overwhelm her early on, but fall off hard in the late-game.

As Alarak vs Nova


Nova has no good counterplay for wrathwalkers (colossi). You might have to make immortals if she makes too much bio, but rushing colossi is essential. There is the question of how to defend them, supplicant support is better vs tanks, marauders and hellbats, but Alarak can get focused down hard by liberators. I recommend not making too many supplicants but massing stalkers in stead.

As Artanis vs Nova


Emp hardcounters archons and templar, so don't make them at all. Tempests and phoenix do very well though. Zealots are useless unless you can shield them, I recommend to avoid them in favor of immortal & dragoon. This also leaves your shields available to use on phoenix, which are quite valuable.

As Dehaka vs Nova


Every answer to banshees is awful in its own unique way, so pick your poison. Do what you can to hold on to the middle while making your way to creeper host.

As Fenix vs Nova


If she rushes holo decoys stay in the air with scouts. Don't make zealots, but build the bulk of your army with immortals and adepts. Warbringer (hero colossi) is also quite strong, but consider building him your final power spike.

As Han & Horner vs Nova


You should not be able to win the ground war, but you might as well try. If you can bait out anti-ground switch into pure wraith. late-game go for the usual mix of wraith viking, hellion, hellbat. bc's are terrible but tier 3 galleons are pretty OK. Use bombers against mass marine.

As Karax vs Nova


Use at least 2 annihilators (immortals) so you can manually blast the Nova hero unit away. Add zealots for a surprisingly strong early-game. If she makes hellbats or banshees go for mirages, if she makes marines go straight for colossi. If you start losing in the late-game make sentries to take over her units.

As Kerrigan vs Nova


Start with mutas. She may try to counter with ghosts and/or marines, which is good because you can simply follow up with ultra and knock her out. Add hydra against firebats or holo decoys and brood lords against other ground units. Your mutas may get whiped by liberators late-game, so you may want to convert some -not all- into broods.

As Mengsk vs Nova


Start with some mutas to annoy her. Your standard setup of fire troopers, tanks and vikings will do OK, but it keeps getting worse over time.

Nova mirror matchup


TOCO Rush to holo decoys, follow up with liberator. Make nothing else, except maybe a few raven in the late-game: Other units can be countered too effectively. It is tempting to make goliath vs liberator, but this is unreliable and doesn't work in the late-game.

As Raynor vs Nova


Your bio beats that of Nova, so make plenty of it. Banshees are also good for breaking her early-game momentum. A smart Nova will counter whatever you do by the late-game, so try killing her soon.

As Stettman vs Nova


Start off with lings and Gary, these are surprisingly difficult for Nova to deal with as she lacks low damage units. Add lurker or hydra, then continue with banes against bio or ultra against mech. The corruptor piss attack can be used to manually snipe Nova or her strongest ground units.

As Stukov vs Nova


Do not go for zombie spam or bunkers, they get hard-countered by her tanky firebats. Go for a big clump of banshee in stead. Add tanks or diamondbacks over time. Ultras aren't great but you need them once goliaths become a problem. Make a few of them before going for Aleksander. Note your liberators beat hers and infested civilians are fantastic for tanking snipes or holo-decoys.

As Swann vs Nova


The early-game is rough but it keeps getting better. Use wraiths to counter large numbers of banshees, otherwise the standard goliath, tank, hellbat, science combination will do just fine.

As Tychus vs Nova

Overwhelming disadvantage

Marauders are an immense pain, Crooked Sam is the only hero that can deal with them but you need Cannonball to tank first. Don't make Blaze, use vega to counter hellbats and banshee. If she follows up with liberator you're screwed.

As Vorazun vs Nova

Overwhelming disadvantage

No zealots or dts, Nova will be forced to make ghosts anyway so you might as well deny the snipe damage. Archons and oracles are also extremely weak to emp, so use them very carefully. Corsairs and void rays are your only decent options, but they won't beat her back forever.

As Zagara vs Nova


Start with a chunk of lings to bait out firebats, follow up with hydra. Keep your hydras thin and spread out so they don't get wiped by banshees. The late-game doesn't improve much so try to make something happen.


How to beat Raynor

Call him Gaynor

Go to lvl 2 early in case he goes banshee, otherwise he will likely spam bio so get either splash or good anti-armor. A bit of light air, in particular muta or banshee is very annoying for Raynor to deal with; it forces him either into vikings early or to make flimsy marines that can be countered with splash and armor. Try to win early if you have no good counterplay for Hyperion. Prevent your air units from clumping too much in the late-game, i.e. don't make too many air units with the same range.

As Abathur vs Raynor


Start with muta, but don't spam too much. Follow up with standard ground, in particular buffed roaches can tank for a while. This matchup keeps getting worse over time, so do your best to kill him early.

As Alarak vs Raynor


TOCO The Alarak hero unit is the only tough thing for Raynor to kill, so make enough supplicants troughout. Counter bio with immortals, hyperion with colossi. make small amounts of different air units, especially war prisms to tank vikings.

As Artanis vs Raynor

Overwhelming advantage

Get archons and even high templar to feedback his medics and banshees. Storms along with a good mix of immortals and dragoons will win easy easy. Dragoons in particular are important since they prevent you from dying to Hyperion. Zealots and phoenix are both good if you shield them. Tempest are good, but don't go too crazy as they will lose to vikings in huge numbers.

As Dehaka vs Raynor


Dehaka's worms can cleanly kill Dusk wings (hero banshees) so use this along with eating attack to stay alive in the early-game. Use impalers to clear firebat/marauder and skip to creepers if he tries to make large numbers of marines or banshees.

As Fenix vs Raynor


Zealot immortal can knock back his bio, but you may need to add disruptor if he keeps spamming it. Add adepts as soon as he gets air or marines. Make a bit of everything in the lategame to avoid splash, especially scouts vs Hyperion.

As Han & Horner vs Raynor


If he tries to go for ground units you can murder him with hellion firebat. Vikings are annoying to deal with but you should win as long as you mix air units, i.e. don't go pure viking but splash in a few wraiths, galleons, even reapers and later bcs.

As Karax vs Raynor

Overwhelming disadvantage

Immortal and later colossi will annihilate his ground while mirages win against vikings in lower numbers. Use this advantage to kill him by the mid game. Once hyperion is out you've lost 100%. If he hasn't made any units by the 4th wave, it's safe to assume he's rushing it and you should quit then to save yourself the embarrassment.

As Kerrigan vs Raynor


Use small numbers of spread out muta to bait out marines. Larger air forces will get murdered by vikings, so use hydra/ultra as a main army force. Supplement with a bit of anything as needed.

As Mengsk vs Raynor

Overwhelming advantage

Pride of Augustgrad (bc) will annihilate anything Raynor has to offer, save the Hyperion, but for that you have Sky Fury (vikings). There's different ways to support the ground fight, but ultras tend to work best.

As Nova vs Raynor


Start with banshees to force out marines or vikings. They will also do good work to snipe medics. Combine hellbats and siege tanks to beat his ground eventually. Add goliaths in time for Hyperion.

Raynor mirror matchup


Don't make ground until you're forced to. Banshees can clear an astonishing amount of marines. If he won't stop massing you can make firebats in response. Make sure you always have more vikings, until the extreme late-game, you can start splashing in some bcs at that point.

As Stettman vs Raynor


Banelings and lurkers annihilate his bio. His air is tougher to deal with, corruptors and hydra work up to a point but you will lose the fight eventually.

As Stukov vs Raynor


Don't go for bunkers. Start with a pack of banshees, but don't make too many. In large numbers your air will get hard countered by vikings, but in small numbers it is quite annoying for him to deal with. Follow up with diamondbacks vs bio + tanks vs marines. Pepper some civilians around as usual. Try to get Aleksander out before Hyperion or you can very suddenly lose the game.

As Swann vs Raynor


As usual, the early game is quite rough. I recommend starting with only science vessels since they can kill marines quite well and you will avoid losing the early game to banshees. Use tank, hellbats and goliath in addition to your vessels to slowly but surely destroy him. Don't skip goliaths, you will need them vs Hyperion.

As Tychus vs Raynor


You typically start with Tychus, lvl2, medic + detection and sirius against 5 dusk wing (banshee) rush. Once you have 2 kevs (Marauder) with their tier 3 splash upgrade you will whipe Raynor's bio forces off the map. To stay alive until then use Firebat, Cannonball and medic depending. Putting all your units on one side of the spawning area helps a shocking amount against bio, so don't forget to do that.

As Vorazun vs Raynor


Get a large amount of stalkers. This often baits out a large bio force which you can kill with archons, oracles and corsairs later on. Your air will get demolished by vikings so don't count on winning the late-game.

As Zagara vs Raynor


He can counter your early-game super hard, so don't bother and go straight for hydra/abberation. The late-game will slowly move in your favor if you can stay alive.


How to beat Stettman

Call him Shut the fuck up

Get burst damage if possible, maintain air dominance and kill Gary as fast as possible. Be wary how to counter his units: Stettman's lings have a hard damage cap so are countered by low damage units like normal lings or marines. Spread your units vs lurkers, banes or ultra.

As Abathur vs Stettman


Swarm host plus bruta/leviathan plus later vipers is the only composition difficult for Stettman to counter. Anything else clumps up too much and will get blasted by his splash damage.

As Alarak vs Stettman


Open with stalkers vs Gary. Immortals are needed to counter lings or infestor, they're also ok vs ultra and hydra. The alarak hero unit is fantastic for tanking so make enough supplicants too. Use colossi in the late-game, they will blast everything as long as you're efficiently clearing lings from the field with a good stalker/immortal spread.

As Artanis vs Stettman


Zealots are the key unit against Stettman's shenanigans, so make sure to make a ton and give all of them shields. Also don't forget to spread them out against banes and ultras, they should still trade well. Archons and ht are not great unless he goes for masses of ling-hydra, which a smart Stettman would not do. Use dragoons to shoot Gary out of the sky and finish things off with Tempest.

As Dehaka vs Stettman


Creeper host are the only units that trade well, but it's usually too little too late if you've been losing the whole game. Don't make too many ground units, avoid hydra in particular. Try to counter Gary early with muta, but not so many that his corruptor become worthwhile.

As Fenix vs Stettman


The fenix hero unit and some spread out zealots are very annoying for him to kill, giving you an early-game edge. This growse worse and worse over time though, so make something happen.

As Han & Horner vs Stettman



As Karax vs Stettman


Start off with enough mirages to kill Gary (5?). Move on to your standard zealot, immortal, colossi as needed.

As Kerrigan vs Stettman


Start with some well spread out hydras, then add more and more ultras, hope that he tries to counter on the ground.

As Mengsk vs Stettman


Your core units will be warhounds and vikings. The rest depends on what he does. Against ultras you need marauders, against lings you need your own lings and flame troopers, against infestor you need tanks. Tanks and ultras are good in the late-game. Don't make gun troopers or pride of augustgrad (bc). Thors are usually not needed either.

As Nova vs Stettman


Don't make spec ops (ghosts, emp doesn't work on egonergy), Any composition you go for can get hard countered, so make any units as they counter him. Mech tends to do better mostly, but you generally need marines against lings and marauders against ultra.

As Raynor vs Stettman


Don't go too hard on bio, make sure you can spread them out against banelings. Follow up with pure air, even normal banshees if needed.

Stettman mirror matchup


Make Gary immediately. Afterwards this becomes an awkward back and forth with hydra, lurkers, ling, ultra. Other units are a death trap, they can be countered too hard. Don't forget lings with the shield upgrade hardcounter banes.

As Stukov vs Stettman


His splash options are too good, all your ground forces will just be annihilated. I recommend starting with banshees and following up with diamondbacks and infested civilians.

As Swann vs Stettman


Start with science vessel and firebat units to bait out an anti-ground response: brood lords, ultra or lurker. Next make 10 or so wraiths. These will snipe Gary and nearly any amount of hydra, forcing corruptor and giving you time to win the fight with thor, tank, goliath.

As Tychus vs Stettman


You should be able to counter everything he throws at you save the brood lords. Make sirius to burst down Gary. You might need Nux or even Sirius vs high numbers of lings, Firebats against banelings etc. Try to push him hard if he goes for brood lords, if he gets too many out you lose.

As Vorazun vs Stettman


If you try to take to the air early you will lose until late-game. Use stalkers and dt to win early-game. Make a fair amount of each air unit late but don't mass anything. Dark archons are very useful.

As Zagara vs Stettman

Overwhelming disadvantage

Stettman's lings are a huge problem. Try to kill them with lings of your own while putting your free banes further back or to the sides. If he follows up with Super Gary and Lurkers you're dead, everything else you can counter.


How to beat Stukov

Call him Fuck ovf

Be ready to get detection vs banshees first. Build tough light units if possible. Mid-game you want to focus on getting good splash damage, preferrably long ranged anti-armor (tank, colossi). Armor upgrades are quite valuable, don't wait too long to buy them. Be wary of the Aleksander (infested battlecruiser) in the late-game, make sure to have anti-air before it comes out.

As Abathur vs Stukov


Roaches will keep zombie spam at bay. Put your boosts on them to get insane armor, which is difficult to kill for Stukov and forces out diamondbacks. Use swarmhosts and vipers to stay alive against them, then die to Aleksander.

As Alarak vs Stukov


Start with supplicants and especially immortals against his ground. Add stalkers over time in preperation for his air forces. Don't make wrathwalkers. You can go for motherships and war prisms, as an alternate strategy or to supplement your late-game army.

As Artanis vs Stukov


Archons are a must; storms murder Stukov's zombies and also feedback the annoying banshees. Make enough dragoons or tempest before the late-game so you can deal with Aleksander. If you have the air under control some zealots and immortals also help.

As Dehaka vs Stukov


Eat high value targets manually, especially bunkers. Add mutas against air, in particular for Aleksander. Creeper host are amazing and will always win you the late-game. One or two tyranozaurs plus ultras are fairly good, but watch out for diamondbacks.

As Fenix vs Stukov


Colossi immortal scout is your target composition. Getting there is very difficult though, I recommend skipping infantry and making some disruptor to help crack open bunkers. You do need adepts if he makes banshees though.

As Han & Horner vs Stukov


The ground is easy to win but the air is a bit more tricky. To mitigate liberator splash damage diversify your air units: don't make more than 4 of any type except vikings. Don't forget to sprinkle in reapers to soak damage. Use bc in the lategame to finish him off.

As Karax vs Stukov


Use mirages vs banshees, otherwise start with zealots. Colossi never shine more than when melting away Stukov's ground forces. I do not recommend immortals, zealot colossi will do fine. Aleksander can swing the game in Stukov's favor if you're not careful, you need a high mirage count and/or sentries to take over his anti-air, especially bunkers.

As Kerrigan vs Stukov

Overwhelming disadvantage

Against banshee start with a limited number of muta, say 12, transition 4-6 to them into brood lords later. If he makes no banshees you can beat him back with hydra/ultra. Add queens against diamondbacks so Kerrigan can tank longer.

As Mengsk vs Stukov


Ghosts can burn up bunkers and kill random zombies as a bonus. Marauders also do well but fall of in the late-game, so I don't recommend them. Sky fury (viking) are always worthwhile, they hardcounter bunkers, ultras and the Aleksander (bc). Against massive amounts of banshees you may have to use thors. Fire troopers or warhounds are best as no-xp units.

As Nova vs Stukov


Marauders and firebats will murder Stukov's ground forces. Banshees are fairly annoying but you can stun them with goliath you need them anyway for Aleksander. Support your army with tanks in the late-game, do not go for holo decoys, liberators or ghosts.

As Raynor vs Stukov


You can open with banshees or counter his ground forces with bio. Make bio in any case and add vikings vs air or tanks vs diamondbacks. Many of your units are better versions of his, including tanks, banshees and the hero bc unit.

As Stettman vs Stukov


Lurkers, banes and later ultra should be enough to whipe away his ground. Make hydras against anything in the air. Make sure you have enough of them to counter Aleksander before it comes out.

Stukov mirror matchup


Diamondbacks are golden

As Swann vs Stukov


Firebats with high armor are completely unkillable for Stukov. I don't recommend starting with them though as he might try to rush banshees. Add science vessels always, tanks and/or thors against his ground and goliaths against air. Note you will always need those goliaths for the inevitable Aleksander (bc).

As Tychus vs Stukov


Start with Tychus + medic. Be ready to go t2 for detection vs banshees. Do not make marauders. Use reapers to crack open tougher units, including bunkers. Firebats are needed against mass zombie but keep them to a minimum. All other heroes are viable depending on the situation, in particular Nux and Sirius.

As Vorazun vs Stukov


Stalkers are quite annoying for him to deal with and often provokes a wrong response. The alternative is to snipe his detection. The late-game is a disaster so try to make something happen.

As Zagara vs Stukov


Your tanks are fantastic against Zagara, but not much else will work. You can open with banshees but bunkers work about as well.


How to beat Swann

Call him Swanus

Be wary of a drawn out game, consider rushing him down. Be careful how you use air units. Heavy anti-armor (immortal) tends to do very well. He might try to open up with wraiths, which can be quite a curveball. Note they are very weak in a drawn out fight so get healing support or tanky units.

As Abathur vs Swann


Roaches are pretty good early-game but get hard countered by tanks by the mid-game, so don't go crazy. Try to kill him with guardians, swarmhosts or ravagers since you don't stand a chance late-game.

As Alarak vs Swann


Make enough supplicants troughout the game to keep Alarak alive, he is your best option for tanking. Go for immortals vs ground and follow up with wrathwalker against basically everything. Stalkers are ok but fall off somewhat as the game goes on. If he masses wraiths add more supplicants and control Alarak manually to keep him still; if the wraits settle their damage stops.

As Artanis vs Swann


Don't make zealots. Go for phoenix, immortal, Archon. As usual, use shields on your phoenixes. Add tempest in the late-game. Don't forget that science vessels are light so you can use your phoenixes to kill them quickly.

As Dehaka vs Swann


Impalers do quite well against Swann's ground forces. Wraiths are a big problem though, you can either go for an early counter with muta or a late hardcounter with creeper host, though the late-game tends to be quite unfavorable. Let Dehaka eat an air unit if you need to kill small amounts of air.

As Fenix vs Swann

Overwhelming advantage

Mass immortal is impossible for Swann to kill. Splash in scouts and zealots if needed. Make clever use of the Fenix hero unit for an overwhelming victory e.g. use a few scouts to kill science vessels so you can use Fenix' ground mode longer.

As Han & Horner vs Swann


Tanks and thors can be hardcountered with your ground, otherwise it's a hard struggle with wraith, viking, galleon, hellbat, hellion. You can add bombers and reapers situationally.

As Karax vs Swann


Immortal colossi will decimate his ground forces. Don't make zealots until he starts stacking tanks. You need to be careful though as some Swanns go for pure wraith. In that case you need to match with mirage and later carriers.

As Kerrigan vs Swann


Your early-game with the Kerrigan hero unit will completely demolish him. Follow up with mutas, and eventually ultra. The matchup gets worse over time as Swann can start countering everything you throw at him at tier 3.

As Mengsk vs Swann


Exploit your early advantage to kill him by the mid-game. War hounds do good damage against everything and fire troopers help a lot to counter firebats early on. The late-game gets rough for you though.

As Nova vs Swann


TOCO I think holo decoys might do quite well, otherwise I recommend mainly tanks and goliaths. Make enough ghosts so you can emp science vessels.

As Raynor vs Swann


Do not make marines. Make vikings to shoot down science vessels in stead. Focus your army around bio and tanks. The lategame is uniquely bad for you so try to win with hyperion.

As Stettman vs Swann


Your anti-ground forces will win easily in the mid-game though this leaves you vulnerable to wraiths. Hydras and corruptors both have their issues, so pick whatever fits best in your plan. Once he gets a good thor/tank count he will start beating you back.

As Stukov vs Swann


You might be able to catch him off balance with a huge number of banshees or at least take an early-game advantage, though afterwards you'll be in a lot of trouble.

Swann mirror matchup


TOCO Start with pure tanks. Add goliaths and firebats as needed.

As Tychus vs Swann


Tanks will overwhelm you late-game, if he tries to rush them go for cannonballs and push him in with reapers for damage.

As Vorazun vs Swann


Archons supported by spread out zealots will beat the usual Swann early-game, but zealots in particular fall off, so you can skip them if you prefer. Add dts and maybe stalkers as the game progresses. Void rays and corsairs will win hard in the late-game, but you do need sufficient numbers and good upgrades.

As Zagara vs Swann


The early game is winnable for a change, make some roaches and lings. That is, except if he goes wraiths then don't even bother: go straight to tier 3 for hydra. Mid-game hydra/abberation will win hard. Make a row of scourges if he tries to mass wraiths.


How to beat Tychus

Call him Typhus

Rush long range air units if you have any, expect a free win if so. Be careful with greedy plays as Tychus can very suddenly win the game especially in 1v1 or 2v2. Avoid making splash units, except if they're your only good high damage option. Be carefull with flimsy units that like to clump up too.

As Abathur vs Tychus


The only place where guardians can shine. Skip roaches alltogether. Swarm host and brutas (assuming they can't be taken by vega?) will do fine to support your air. An alternate strategy is to go for mass ravager, wish do great well into the lategame.

As Alarak vs Tychus

Overwhelming advantage

Rush to Wrathwalker (colossi) and pew pew everything. His only counter for this is getting tier 3 upgrade on firebats, which you can control by getting enough stalkers, or if absolutely necessary vanguards. Don't bother with supplicants or mothership. These are the only units he has reliable counterplay for.
You can use buffed ascendants to snipe Tychus and crooked Sam with mind-blasts, although this requires a lot of micro.

As Artanis vs Tychus


Start with a clump of dragoons and continue into tempest. Make 1 tempest for every hero so you can cast disintegration on each one. The shield buff is kind of useless here, usually I don't even bother with zealots and just put them on dragoons.

As Dehaka vs Tychus

Overwhelming advantage

Impalers murder Tychus completely, add fire roaches to tank. No more than 6 of each. Still you can start with ravasaurs, you will need them for the lategame anyway to counter Blaze (firebat) with tier 3 upgrade.

As Fenix vs Tychus


Start with immortals to bait out cannonball. Follow up with masses of adepts. You can try to go colossi in the late-game but this is an uphill battle to say the least.

As Han & Horner vs Tychus


TOCO Force Tychus to respect your ground with hellbats and hellions. Go for pirate ships (assault galleons) and wraiths.

As Karax vs Tychus


You will lose hard in the early-game, though colossi annihilate everything late-game.

As Kerrigan vs Tychus

Overwhelming advantage

Once you hit critical mass of brood lords Tychus is screwed. You can just rush them straight away. Ultras are also great, but note that he can hard-counter hydras and mutas.

As Mengsk vs Tychus


Stick mostly to aegis guard and flame troopers. A few scattered lings and even mutas are fine. You can make a small amount of gun troopers in the back, but keep them well spread-out.

As Nova vs Tychus

Overwhelming Advantage

Mass marauders do surprisingly well on their own. It's usually safe to skip infantry attack upgrades until very late. He may try to counter with mass Crooked Sam, in this case you can add some ghost for additional burst damage, use them manually on Sam. If he manages to claw his way back into the game, annihilate him with liberators.

As Raynor vs Tychus


Spam bio but do add some spread out banshees. When his splash damage starts overwhelming your bio move on to tanks. If he has a few crooked sams on the field Hyperion is nearly useless, in that case keep it for the extreme late-game when it's very cheap.

As Stettman vs Tychus


Battle carrier lords will win once you get 3-4 out, though they are so expensive that Tychus has a lot of wriggle room to make something happen. If the early game is too rough lurkers can help a lot, especially if he doesn't have detection.

As Stukov vs Tychus


Start with bunkers, pepper zombies troughout your composition to distract his units and inflict damage over time. Follow up with banshees. If he makes firebats or marauders you can counter hard with diamondbacks.

As Swann vs Tychus


Mass siege tank with cyclones wins the late-game decisively, but rushing tanks leaves you vulnerable to getting pushed in. Start with cyclones and hellbats.

Tychus mirror matchup


Numbers are everything here, so avoid unit-specific upgrades as much as possible. Use firebat/medic for tanking and reaper for damage after Tychus. Marauders are OK in the mid to lategame versus firebats. Some people like to spam crooked sam (reaper), but you can actually beat this with just firebats and only general upgrades.

As Vorazun vs Tychus


You have many options for the early game: mass stalker, mass oracle, mass dt... for the lategame add void rays, they will assuredly overwhelm Tychus over time. Make stalkers against Blaze (firebat) with tier 3 upgrades.

As Zagara vs Tychus

Overwhelming disadvantage

Start with some lings and roaches to mitigate the early-game then rush to tier 3. The goal is to keep your hydras alive long enough to kill him, use spread out roaches, lings and abberations as usual. Make a clump of roaches in the front to bait out Tychus' grenade and Nux storms, anything that doesn't land on hydras is a huge win for you.


How to beat Vorazun

Call her Voracunt

Get detection. Large amounts of cheap units can overwhelm due to a lack of splash. Heroic units are very usefull to stand up to all the disabling abilities. Against mass stalker you should get high damage units with an instant attack including tanks, marines, hydras, swarm host

As Abathur vs Vorazun


Brutas plus roaches are very hard to kill for Vorazun. Add in swarm host to deal with air. Don't go for ravagers.

As Alarak vs Vorazun


Stalkers are probably the most annoying unit for Vorazun to deal with. This will likely cost her the early game, giving you time to go for wrathwalker. Note this composition can be countered by the mid- to late game but it is the most difficult for her to play against.

As Artanis vs Vorazun


Use archons to feedback her casters. Keep your shields for phoenixes, they are insanely valuable in this matchup. Besides that I recommend dragoons and tempest.

As Dehaka vs Vorazun


Note you can disable the oracle attack with the lvl 2 yell of Dehaka. Counter mass stalker with swarmhost and perhaps some impalers. As a matter of fact, swarm host are pretty much always a good choice. Add creeper host against air in the late-game, especially against corsairs.

As Fenix vs Vorazun


Adept/zealot is a good basis but feel free to add obvious units to counter her strategy. Note you can rush tier 3 arbiter suit detection if she tries to snipe your observers. Bonus points for disabling her detection and going invisible yourself.

As Han & Horner vs Vorazun


You will probably lose the early-game gainst either archon, dt or stalker. In such cases you can temporaly switch to pure air, although hellbat hellion is always worthwhile later on. Focus on wraith and widow mines for an unstoppable late-game.

As Karax vs Vorazun


Although you can eventually win the ground war, the air as usual is a problem. It's not super one-sided but it tends to get worse and worse. If you find yourself losing you can swing around with energizer (sentry) takeover, though its better to do it manually, to prevent accidentally adding to your opponent's next wave.

As Kerrigan vs Vorazun


Ultras are your best friend, they plow and tank everything without worries. Use hydra and later muta to kill the rest of her army.

As Mengsk vs Vorazun


You need to stay in control of the air to protect your detection. Don't forget intercessors (medivacs). Make vikings early on and thors later. Mass stalker can be countered easy with tank, marauder ling.

As Nova vs Vorazun

Overwhelming advantage

Ghosts are your best friends. Snipes will clear dts and zealots instantly while emp take away half her utility and survivability. Marines are good for burning trough air in the early and mid game. Supplement with small numbers of goliaths and firebats. Add Liberators in the late-game or holo decoys if you want to style.

As Raynor vs Vorazun


Start with a bio force, it will win against anything but is vulnerable to some spells when too clumped, so be careful to split and not make too much, in particular marines. Make enough firebats to tank dts, counter air with vikings (even void-rays) add tanks vs stalkers. If you have enough vikings Hyperion will win you the game, even normal bcs are fine.

As Stettman vs Vorazun


Corruptor can counter her air early on.

As Stukov vs Vorazun


Bunkers are almost mandatory, some zombie spam will also work great. Use diamonbacks against stalker spam. Add liberators, Omegalisks and Aleksander in the lategame. Note you can use queens to manually grant vision to your units.

As Swann vs Vorazun


Push her in hard with hellbat and goliath as you will more than likely lose the lategame. Make science vessels to stay alive againt void rays. Ares bots are almost viable because of the heroic stat, but I still don't recommend them.

As Tychus vs Vorazun


Sirius and blaze (firebat) provide lvl 1 detection, the latter is necessary against dt. Mass stalker is best countered with crooked sam. Sirius also does great to defend sams against oracles and blasting void rays. Nux with all storm upgrades helps a lot in the late-game and can potentially swing a game around.

Vorazun mirror matchup


Void rays are king in the late-game, but a bit of everything is warranted leading up to them.

As Zagara vs Vorazun


Go tier 2 right away and start with lings. Add detection then go tier 3 for the regular hydra/abberation strategy. Her spells can be a bit annoying but it's not enough to hold you back.


How to beat Zagara

Call her Zagayra

Be carefull with expensive melee units such as ultras and certain heroes. They will run straight into hydra range and die. You need to keep a distance and use powerful splash options, along with plenty of tanking for the banes. If you lack those options you will lose hard in the late-game, so try to rush her down.

As Abathur vs Zagara

Overwhelming disadvantage

TOCO You need massive amounts of cheap units to deal with lings. Splash doesn't work, brutas and leviathans are a bad idea.

As Alarak vs Zagara


Be carefull investing in supplicants: Alarak tends to run straight into hydra range and get blasted. He is usefull for clearing lings and tanking banelings though. Immortals are your best friend throughout the game. You can either add stalkers or go for motherships.

As Artanis vs Zagara


Limit your zealot production, only when shielded they do ok against banes. Get plenty of Archons and add immortals to tank banes and kill abberation in the late-game. Phoenix also do quite well, but don't make too many.

As Dehaka vs Zagara


Don't make muta or hydra, just ignore the air alltogether. Turn off auto jump so Dehaka doesn't jump into Zagara's hydras. Melee units in general are not recommended unless they can tank banelings and kill abberations. Focus on roaches and swarmhost during the mid-game. Creeper hosts are your only hope to swing around the late-game.

As Fenix vs Zagara


You need better splash damage, colossi and disruptors are both needed. Try to target her hydra clump with those disruptors. Use masses of immortals to tank, but be very careful with infantry.

As Han & Horner vs Zagara


You can push for an advantage in the early-game but this doesn't tend to work out most games. A force of wraiths and galleons does reasonably well with carefully placed bombers to snipe clumped up hydras.

As Karax vs Zagara

Overwhelming advantage

Colossi annihilate all of Zagara's ground. Use mirages to tank and distract the air while her army melts.

As Kerrigan vs Zagara


You have the advantage early and again late. You need both Ultra and Brood lords, so get tier 3 fast and start with whatever is more convenient.

As Mengsk vs Zagara


Start off with a couple aegis guard against roaches. Rely mostly on fire troopers and tanks to clear her ground. Use scattered lings, ultras and mutas to catch banes and scourges, though make sure these units don't trade with her hydras, this would be very bad for you.

As Nova vs Zagara


TOCO Try to avoid firebats. Marines are ok as long as you keep them away from banelings. Focus on getting a good number of tanks out. You can use a clump of banshees to snipe hydras.

As Raynor vs Zagara


Start with a firebat/marauder force to kill Zagara. Follow up with tanks. Banshees are fine but not great, perhaps make 1 to force out detection. If she tries to go air make vikings for a free win.

As Stettman vs Zagara

Overwhelming advantage

Your lings do an amazing job at tanking banes and even hydra fire, especially when using the heal mode. Blast her ground away with lurkers and don't wait too long with getting super gary.

As Stukov vs Zagara


Bane, hydra, abberation will kill his ground hard, but do lose slightly to tanks.

As Swann vs Zagara


Zagara often likes to start with roach/ling/queen in that case you can catch her off balance with a row of wraiths. 8-12 will do, transition to ground after. Your scaling is slightly better so you will win with thor and tanks in the extreme late-game.

As Tychus vs Zagara

Overwhelming advantage

Blaze and Nux should form your backbone. You should add Tychus and a Lt. Nikara (medic) but the rest is fairly useless. Use your abilities manually to disable or straight up kill her hydra clump, everything else is easy pickings. If she tries to mass baneling simply get the tier 3 upgrade for Blaze.

As Vorazun vs Zagara


Avoid zealots and dts, even hero dts are a waste of money. Stalker and oracles fight best, add archons and corsairs over time. Manual control of your abilities may be necessary, focus everything on the hydras.

Zagara mirror matchup


TOCO Make lots of abberations and use spread out zerglings to trigger the occasional baneling.


Some basic information is omitted from counter info, for example if you counter your enemy with expensive tier 3 units it's usually safe to take 2, 3 or even 4 gasses. Similarly you almost always want to make unique hero units early on, rushing tier 2 if you have to. You should of course also pay a some heed to your teammates and opponents who are not pitched against you, BUT winning your own wave is by far the most important goal, since your advantage will snowball with extra income.

The possible spreads are the following:

  • Overwhelming advantage
  • Advantage
  • Coinflip
  • Disadvantage
  • Overwhelming disadvantage

Advantage/disadvantage spread only applies if both players know what they're doing. If your opponent goes for a troll strategy the counter outlined in the matrix may not apply. In such cases there should be a straighforward weakness for you to abuse.

"Overwhelming" is reserved for the following situations:

  • Unit counters favor one player in every stage of the game
  • There is a surefire strategy that needs no adaptation to what the opponent does
  • There is a specific unit that the opponent has no counter for

These are all situations that tend to be quite infuriating when you're at the bad end of them, so no shame in an early surrender!

"Good units" are good to add in most of the time, just pay attention if they get specifically countered.
"Bad units" are rarely viable, avoid them unless you know exactly what you're doing.
Units not mentioned are situational.

Units are often named interchangeably with their base archetype, so I may call Alarak's vanguards immortals, but it should be obvious in context what I mean.

General tips

It's nearly always good to spread your units or arrange them in a concave.

If you have super cheap units such as lings it almost always helps to put a few around the sides of your lineup, so they trickle in and distract your opponent.

It's usually better to put sieging units, such as tanks, lurkers and swarm host in front, since they will siege closer to the enemy and stay in range.

A usefull rule of thumb is to get an upgrade when the unit value of affected units is 10x the cost of the upgrade, although this can vary. Armor and attack upgrades are extremely critical when units with low damage per attack are involved. Think of carriers, marines, lings, phoenix, zealots etc. Against high damage units you can postpone your armor upgrades until quite late in the game.